Either DirectX or OpenGL can be chosen as the 3D Engine that renders the perspective views of GalleriesView Options configure the overall appearance and performance of the 3D environment, with Field of View, Resolution and Quality settings.

Gallery Structure parameters determine how Galleries will be randomly constructed, including which styles of Gallery rooms will be built:  Rectangular, Corridor, Rotunda, Labyrinth, BillBoards and/or Tower.  Either a solid color or a pattern can be chosen for each of the Ceiling, Walls and Floor.  The width and appearance of Picture Frames can be specified.  Doors and Borders are selectable as specific images, random images or solid colors.

Gallery Options
Exploring parameters control the Relative Velocity and Motion Smoothness of automated movements within Galleries.  The View Photos option can be set to display each image in full-screen mode for the specified View Seconds.  (While Animate Colors is active View Seconds will be overriden by the Color Sec value set in the Slide Show Configuration screen).  Photo View Distance determines the position at which to examine each picture.  The Look At While Moving selection controls the direction the viewer will face while traveling to the next image -- either towards the Next Photo, in the Motion Direction or a Random Choice between those two.  Alternatively, the View From Center box can be checked to Explore while remaining in the center of the Gallery, just rotating towards each photo in turn (this option is not applicable in the Labyrinth, Billboards or Tower Galleries).  Check Sound Effects to include sounds that simulate foot steps, turns, door openings, etc.  (Sound Effects are suppressed while the Audio Player is active.)