These are typical examples of Kaleider Android app screens.  The displays will automatically switch between Portrait and Landscape modes as appropriate.  All Kaleider functions can be performed via the Actions Panel at the top of the screen, and keyboard commands can be used if a keyboard is available.  The Actions Panel will automatically adjust to one or two rows of buttons depending on the screen size, and   buttons might appear to access additional Actions.  The Actions Panel can be hidden by touching the icon at the top-left of the screen so that effects can be enjoyed with a minimum of distraction (touch to re-display Actions).  Appearance Options can also be set to hide the Android Status and Navigation bars, so that the entire screen is available for effects.  Touch the button for a brief explanation of each Action button.
Kaleider Android Screen
Kaleider Android Screen
Kaleider Android Screen
Kaleider Android Screen
Kaleider Android Screen
Kaleider Android Screen
Kaleider Android Screen
Kaleider Android Screen